Friday, March 25, 2011

Car Trouble...

As many of you probably do, I spend a lot of time in the car every day. My kids are usually in tow, so I try my best to make the car as enjoyable and exciting as possible, but there are only so many games of "I Spy" that can be played. And every once in a while there is a prolonged moment of silence in which I can contemplate very important questions that I have about the universe. Those navigational deep thoughts are actually what made me want to start this blog in the first place.

Not too long ago, someone in the tri-state area had the brilliant (insert sarcasm here) idea to print personalized white stickers meant to be adhered to a portion (sometimes a rediculously large portion) of one's windshield. I have seen said stickers with anything from a cartoon peeing on a Ford emblem to a full obituary. It's the latter that I really have an issue with.

While I'm sure that all of the people who have decided to pay tribute to a loved one have the most sincere of intentions, is it really necessary to broadcast, not to mention distract, to the entire driving population that you have suffered a loss? Call me insensitive, but do you really think that the deceased is going to be truly touched that you dedicated your windshield to them. Or is it that these people haven't realized that that is precisely what they are doing.

People purchase park benches in the favorite places of the deceased and display a lovely plaque stating the seat is in loving memory of that person that is gone. Someone even wrote a book about benches on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk and placed images of the deceased being honored on their respective bench. Those friends and family members probably did so because of that person's love of that vacation spot.

So does that mean that the person you are dedicating your windshield to loved to sit on your car. Even if they loved to sit IN your car, isn't there something else you could do, other than support the living of some guy who figured out how easy it is to print windshield stickers?

Again, I don't mean to criticize those who may have experienced a tough time recently, I just find it strange that they actually thought that would be a good way to honor someone that they obviously cared so much about. Or is it also possible that there is a small part of the sentimental driver that wants the attention drawn to their selfless gesture. Ok, that's pretty insensitive, but it's exactly what I think everytime I see one of those stickers. And the more elaborate the more selfish I think it is.

So for all of those I love and care for, when I'm gone, please do not feel the need to immortalize me on your mode of transportation. Just spend an obnoxious amount of money on a pair of great shoes and then every time you wear them, think of me.

1 comment:

  1. Very true! I often think do they want the people driving to get into an accident while trying to read the back of their windshield? You made me smile tonight - thank you!
