Friday, March 4, 2011


I recently had the pleasure of enjoying a Dogfish Beer Dinner at the Stone Balloon Winehouse. It was the first time my husband and I had been there and while we were very excited to try it, our expectations were completely surpassed! The food was creative and carefully executed and the pairings were perfection!

Date night with my husband is always refreshing and as we looked around the restaurant, we joked about the last time I was in the Balloon and how the building has changed so much since then. In fact, it is a completely new building with ample memories of the past displayed throughout.

The old Balloon was plain and simple, stone building, sticky floors, and one beer tapped in a bucket sitting on the floor. Patrons drank fifty cent beers out of "authentic" glass mugs until they were forced to stumble home smelling of booze and cigarette smoke.

The new Balloon boasts an impressive wine list, classy decor, and impeccable service, all without pretention.

And all of a sudden, this blog post was inspired when my spouse said, "this place went through a transformation and you were part of it." Suddenly, I found myself comparing my life to a bar that was demolished and replaced by condos and a lovely restaurant that serves bacon ice cream!

Like the new Balloon, I appreciate fine wine and delicious food. I also consider myself well put-together when allowed the time, and never a fan of pretention. However, I think it is important to keep the important pieces of my past "hanging on the walls" so not to forget who I am and how I got here and what needed to change.

So the days of sticky floors and cheap drafts may be in the past, but the fact that the "old builds the new" is something we should never ignore.

Did I mention they served bacon ice cream? True inspiration.

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