Friday, February 24, 2012

Quickie on Cars!!!

Just a quick update! We painted with Matchbox cars on Thursday after school and it was fun! Maybe only for ten minutes but I'll take it! Today we are at the beach and MT had her 6 year old check up... So I showed up with munchkins when I picked her up from school... Not proud of it but I think it counts given the circumstances and she was pretty psyched. Even said to our doc that "we pretty much do something special every day." Which made me pretty happy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


While I would not call myself a dedicated Catholic, by any means, every year, I try to honor the Lenten commitment by doing something to better myself. To the discontent of my husband, I have given up coffee which makes me completely unbearable and maybe only slightly healthier, I've given up caffeine resulting in the same effect, and I've got lists of other "sacrifices" that I've been both successful and lacking.

This year I decided to go double duty. I went simple with self-improvement and vowed to drink at least 64 oz. of water daily. It's something that I always want to do and for a long list of excuses, it never gets done. The second half of 40 days and 40 nights is something that is definitely not a sacrifice but a commitment.

I am determined to do something fun and special with my kids every day. While this should not be something that a Catholic tradition should be forcing me to do, I realized that I need it. With the dawn of the Pinterest phenomenon, there is no reason why I can't find something intriguing to do with my kids every day. My road is very solidly paved with good intentions, so in this glorious Lenten season, I plan to make Pinterest my bible and make it happen.

My six year old has been a little lacking in the behavior department lately so I also feel that this will be a good way to set a better example and to keep my from yelling and correcting as much as have been. So we will see! I like to call my project, I mean my religious re-birth, "40 Days and 40 Sites". I couldn't really think of anything more clever. That may be because I just finished cleaning up dog barf from the carpet and my creative juices are not exactly flowing. But if I come up with something better, I'm sure God won't mind if I make a slight adjustment.

Day One was an overachievement! After a quick visit to the dentist to make sure there was no permanent nerve damage to Justin's tooth we came home and made corn muffins with sprinkles. Justin decided to take a header into the tile floor the other night while wrapped in a towel after bathtime. He is very quick to tell you that Meggie was chasing him and that it's all her fault, proving his quick learned ability to be an annoying little brother. I think he is going to easily fine tune that skill as the years progress.

Back to the corn muffins. I had originally planned on making a scratch batch of muffins with healthy things like apples and pumpkin and then I remembered that Justin is 2. So I got the box of Jiffy corn bread mix and we went to town. After 14 minutes in the oven, it was dry, cardboard, slightly corn tasting delisciousness and Justin got to tell Meg that he made something for her!

After we picked Meg up from the bus stop, we came home and enjoyed a corn brick and proceeded to make paint from water, corn-starch and food coloring. We made it in the same muffin pan that the bricks were baked in and painted the driveway a little. Even though the painting only lasted about 15 minutes, Meg was excited to do something special and the first thing she said after coming inside was "thank you." Mission accomplished for the first day! It was also an unexpected 60 degrees today which did not hurt!

For dinner, we made pancakes shaped like bunny rabbits with white chocolate chips. I'm not a big fan of pancakes, but the chocolate may have changed that a bit! Again, pancakes were Bisquick, people. Don't be too impressed.

And to finish the night off, we watched a show in our jammies and the dog barfed on the carpet, two inches away from the hardwood floor. And yes, I do think that at 11 years old, she should know that its much easier for me to clean up off of the hardwood as opposed to the carpet.

Happy Ash Wednesday everyone! I plan on updating each day (or every other day, realistically) with what I accomplish. More because it will make me follow through with my promise and hopefully you will all get some sort of weird enjoyment out of it. All 3 of you that follow this blog. Whom I love dearly for making me feel important : )